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OnCall Scheduling

Physician OnCall Scheduling made simple
Fast, Automated, Access Anywhere, Done!


Deep Medical Awareness
AI-Enhanced to avoid “death by a thousand clicks"

Secure, yet avoids time wasting redundant entry

Save Time,
Better Healthcare


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EMR Integration

Medical Specialties

Doc2Dr OnCall Scheduling

Physician OnCall Scheduling made simple
Fast, Automated, Access Anywhere, Done!

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The Doc2Dr Patient Portal allows you to receive and review secure documents from your physician.


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Doc2Dr is a startup company with a simple premise that will begin revolutionizing medicine.
Our vision simplifies medical information exchange, saving time and money.

Robert Lalouche, MD, MSFounder

I’m a practicing physician and the founder of Doc2Dr. Just like you, I’m tired of wasting my time on paperwork and horrible medical software.

Doc2Dr Mobile is designed to save you time by streamlining what you already do. I know it will work for you, because it saves me hours each week. My clinic and hospital administrators love how much time and money it saves them.

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Doc2Dr is self-funded.
If you'd like to learn more about our business potential and get involved, contact us.